As an indie musician, you live for your music. But turning that passion into a profession isn’t always as simple as it seems. You need to set yourself up for success from the very beginning and find ways to protect your property, your work, and your image. That often means working with an experienced Nashville entertainment attorney. Still not sure that you need legal representation? Here are a few reasons why working with an entertainment lawyer isn’t just a good idea—it’s essential if you want to move from hobbyist to professional.

indie musician

You’ll Need to Copyright Your Work

You work hard to create music and lyrics that speak to your audience. But without a copyright in place, that content is available to just about anyone who wants to use it for their own purposes, and they can do so without issue. The best way to protect yourself is by copyrighting your work. 

While you can do this on your own, it’s easier to work with an attorney and let them guide you through the process. They’ll make sure the copyright is enforceable and can complete the necessary paperwork to register your copyright with the government.

Contracts Are Tough to Interpret

When you’re just starting out, it’s tempting to sign the first contract you’re offered without fully reviewing the details. Unfortunately, this is how many indie artists get taken advantage of. But even if you review the contract in detail, there’s a good chance that you’ll miss something or misinterpret one of the key clauses. By working with an entertainment lawyer, you’ll have an experienced professional on hand to review the contract for you. Remember, experts know what’s standard for the industry and what’s a surefire sign that you’re being taken advantage of. They may also be able to negotiate the contract on your behalf. 

They’ll Help You as You Grow Your Brand

As you grow your brand and business as an entertainer, you’ll start to notice that managing the legal and contractual aspects of your business becomes more complicated. You have more important things to worry about than trying to enforce licensing agreements, resolve copyright violations, and other common tasks. An attorney will be able to take on that work so you can focus on creating great music and sharing it with others.

Attorneys Can Represent You in a Lawsuit

Though no artist ever wants to find themselves in the middle of a copyright or licensing dispute, if you are, dealing with the violation is often more than you can handle on your own. An experienced attorney will be able to negotiate with the violating party and represent you in court as needed to reach a fair and just resolution. 

Work With an Experienced Entertainment Lawyer

Making sure your music career is successful requires more than just putting out new music and attracting an audience. You also need to manage the legal side of your business, but you don’t have to do it alone. Schedule a consultation with Brassel Law today to see how an experienced Nashville entertainment lawyer can help.