Respond Quickly & Easily to Trademark Office Actions

Schedule a free consultation so we can evaluate your office action and respond appropriately before it’s too late.

Free Consultation • Flat Fee Responses Start at $297

Brassel Law is experienced in trademark law. We’ve helped entrepreneurs and businesses successfully respond to office actions issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).


At Brassel Law, we take a four-step approach to office action responses:

1. We evaluate your chances of submitting a successful response.

During our evaluation call, we'll discuss your mark, the goods and/or services you provide, and the nature of the office action you received. Based on our experience, we'll let you know how office actions like yours are typically resolved and how we might be able to resolve yours. We don't believe in clients throwing good money after bad, so we'll also be upfront with you and discuss alternatives if we think a successful response is unlikely.

2. We outline a strategy and provide a flat fee, nonsense quote.

After the evaluation, we'll provide a flat-fee quote to get the work done. We want to make this process as stress-free as possible and have worked to make sure our fee structure is both predictable and accessible (we even provide payment plans for complex responses). If you decide to work with us, we'll onboard you as a client and get started.

3. We onboard you into our system and draft your response.

We'll work with you to gather information and materials and develop our response to the examining attorney. Once we have all of the information we need, we'll draft your response. After you review and approve our draft, we'll finalize the response and submit it to the USPTO.

4. We implement and execute the response strategy and guide you through the rest of the application process.

After we've submitted your office action response, we keep you informed and represent you on inquiries related to the office action at no additional charge. If the response is successful, we also keep you informed through the publication and notice of allowance/registration phases. If you successfully register the mark, we'll add it to our infringement watch list for one year beyond the registration date free of charge.


Our extensive knowledge of trademark prosecution best practices, USPTO procedures, and trademark law allows us to make actionable recommendations that help you get your application back on track and avoid potential future legal problems.

Free Consultation • Flat Fee Responses Start at $297